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Grief Counseling
"No one ever told me that grief felt so much like fear." ~ C.S. Lewis
As humans, we will all experience grief and loss at some
point in our lives. Grief is often associated with the death of someone
who is very important to us. However, death is not the only reason we grieve.
Grief can happen due to any loss that drastically changes our daily
routines and ways of life. A person can grieve the death of a loved one
or pet, divorce, friendships that have ended or the loss of the life you
envisioned for yourself.
Grief is personalized. There is no wrong or right way to
grieve, there is no timeline, and the stages of grief are not linear. The
way you grieve is based on your personality, coping style, life
experiences, your faith and how significant the loss is to you. Grief is
like a rollercoaster with many ups and downs.
What to expect when grieving:
Both Physical and emotional symptoms can occur due to grief.
Shock and disbelief- these typically occur right after the loss.
Feeling numb
Sadness and/or periods of crying.
Emptiness, despair, yearning or deep loneliness.
Fear- potential life changes that result from the loss.
Anger- resentment towards others or be angry with yourself or God.
Weight loss or weight gain
Low Immunity
Aches and pains
During a time of grief we often do not think to take care of
ourselves. We are focused on the grief and the changes that will have
to be endured. A loss of any magnitude can use a lot of your physical
and emotional energy reserves. Here are several things to focus on when working through the grief process.
Ways to take care of yourself when grieving:
Face your feelings-even though these feelings may be painful, it is important to your healing to acknowledge the pain. Trying to ignore the painful feelings can lead to depression, anxiety, substance abuse and health issues.
Express your feelings in a creative way-some people are not comfortable talking about their feelings. An alternative to talking about feelings is journal them. The journal can include positive and negative feelings. You can also create a scrapbook, paint, or draw your feelings.
Try to maintain hobbies and interests-it is important to try to return to a routine. During times of grief we can find comfort in a routine.
Look after your physical health-the mind and the body are connected. Being physically well can combat stress and fatigue.
Plan ahead for triggers-if you know that a certain event or time of year may bring up painful feelings or memories, be prepared to feel and acknowledge those emotions. It may also be a good idea to surround yourself with other people during those hard times.
Seeking help from a professional counselor
A grief counselor can help you develop methods to work
through your grief and loss. The counselor allows the grieving individual
a place to discuss their feelings and emotions. Grief counseling helps to
facilitate different ways to navigate through your loss.
Grief counseling will address:
Treating your trauma
Creating a safe space to express your emotions
Working through any feelings of guilt
Building a strong support system
Accepting your new reality
Connecting you to support group information